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In virtually all of life's endeavors nothing takes the place of practice towards the attainment of excellence! Our LASER PRACTICE SHOOTING SYSTEM is a great way to improve your shooting skills and attain that excellence!
Consisting of the LaserShooter, LaserPro, Wobbler, and Skeet & Trap Banner, Our Ultimate Practice Shooting System lets you practice shotgun shooting using your own gun, in your own home -- without the bang or the buck, meaning no loud shotgun noise sounds and no need to spend money on ammo or going to the range.
You can simulate any kind of shotgun shooting, whether it's skeet, trap, sporting clays, five-stand, or live bird shooting. It's easy and convenient, and whether you're a beginner or a pro, there is no better way to get your repetitions to build muscle memory than to practice with our Ultimate Practice Shooting System (UPSS, for short). Use the LaserShooter to practice your mount and swing (also great for gun fit), the LaserPro if you want to shoot at a moving target, the Wobbler for more challenging and unpredictable arched or angled targets, and the Skeet and Trap Banner to put you in the zone.
No question that, with a little practice, you will become a better shooter when you use the UPSS! With over 8000 systems in use around the world, we are confident that the UPSS will work for you. But don't simply take our word for it; read the Testimonials and Reviews to see what others have to say!
And read this article about practice by Leo Babauta in the August 11, 2021 edition of THE EPOCH TIMES:
which fits directly into the repetition discipline we recommend on the trip to excellence we believe is possible through the use of our laser shooting system. Worthy of a few minutes of your time.
Consider purchasing one of our UPSS packages, which combine the LaserShooter and LaserPro in a variety of forms and with better pricing than if any of the components are purchased individually.
The LaserShooter (CE approved) fits in the muzzle of your gun and allows you to practice your swing, mount, lead, fire and follow through. Comes in Red or Green Lasers and has 4 gauge inserts (12, 20, 28 and 410). Options include: Bang Box and Trigger Switch.
The LaserPro (CE approved) is a Moving Target Projector that projects 1 or 2 moving laser lights onto a wall. You can select the speed, direction, window size, and continuous cycle or voice command to practice shooting at an infinite variety of moving targets.
The LaserPro is attached to a 6" Swivel Tripod (included). Option: a 50"Tripod which gives you a free-standing (no need for table) and portable LaserPro.
The Wobbler is an oscillating device that moves the LaserPro back and forth to achieve an even larger variety of arched,, more realistic moving targets that the LaserPro alone gives you. More challenging and unpredictable targets that resemble Sporting Clays, Five Stand or live-birds .
Practice-shooting at our 9' x 54" Skeet & Trap Banner makes you feel like you're in the zone. Hang the Banner on your wall and set up your LaserPro so that it shoots the moving targets from one house to the other, just like being on the range.
If you can’t stand the thought of shooting without the BANG, our Bang Box attaches to the LaserShooter and emits a shooting sound each time you fire the LaserShooter.
You'll need a Trigger Switch to replace the standard Finger Ring that comes with your LaserShooter if you use guns that have a non-conductive coating, including Benellis, Franchis, Blasers and some Brownings.
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Special UPSS includes LaserShooter (1 Gauge) and LaserPro in Small Case
Special UPSS includes a Red LaserShooter ($498) OR a Green LaserShooter ($593) in 1 Gauge and a LaserPro in a Small Case. Our MOST POPULAR PACKAGE.
PRICE: $498 - $593
Our DOUBLES DUTY package includes a Red LaserShooter (any 1 gauge) and 2 LaserPros with 6" Tripods In a Large Pro-Kit Case. Best way to practice shooting Doubles Skeet, Trap, Sporting, Fitasc, 5 Stand .
PRICE: $888
Basic UPSS includes Red, Green or Both LaserShooters (choice of 1-4 Gauges) and LaserPro in Large Pro-Kit Case.
PRICE: $588 - $941
Plus UPSS includes your choice of Red or Green or Both Red & Green LaserShooters (1-4 Gauges), LaserPro in Large Pro-Kit Case, and Wobbler and Banner outside of Case.
PRICE: $1072 - $1401
Competition UPSS includes both Red and Green LaserShooter (your choice of 1 gauge for each LaserShooter), 1 LaserPro or 2 LaserPros for Doubles practice (Competition Doubles package with 2 LaserPros shown), and Wobbler in Super Pro-Kit Case, and Banner outside the Case. The Whole Kit and Kaboodle!
PRICE: $1598-$1983
The LaserShooter is the one necessary component of the Ultimate Practice Shooting System. It fits into the muzzle of your own gun and you can practice shooting at stationary or moving targets repeatedly, building your muscle memory so that shooting becomes instinctive and habitual. It's all about the repetitions!
In addition to using the LaserShooter for shotgun shooting practice, it is also a great tool for determining GUN FIT! Since shotgun shooting is a dynamic sport, gun fit should incorporate dynamic measuring. That is only possible using the Red LaserShooter and LaserPro Moving Target Projector, exclusively available from Robert Louis. Read "Perfect Gun Fit" by Bob Foege.
The LaserShooter comes in red or green laser lights and four (4) gauge sizes (12, 20, 28, 410). If the laser modules (either red or green) ever fail, we will replace them at no cost regardless of the age of the LaserShooter.
The LaserShooter comes standard with a Finger Ring which you place on your trigger finger; when you touch the finger ring to the gun trigger, it completes the circuit and shoots the LaserShooter.
An optional TRIGGER SWITCH is also available and is a must for people who own Benellis, Franchis, Blasers and some Brownings that have non-conductive coatings on their internals that exclude the standard electronic ground system from working. Also great for trap shooters who like to rest their finger on the trigger before shooting.
A BANG BOX is available to make your shooting practice sessions seem just a little more real. By attaching the Bang Box to your LaserShooter, you will hear the shot sound when you “pull” the trigger and fire the laser.
The LaserShooter is patented - U.S. Patent # 9,243,860.
The LaserShooters are made in the USA and are guaranteed for life. We will repair or replace your LaserShooter free of charge, unless it has been physically damaged. This guarantee does not include the wires, just the LaserShooter itself.
For EU customers, the LaserShooters and LaserPro have CE markings. Instructions are available in Polish.
Both the Red and the Green LaserShooters come in a durable plastic box.
Includes LaserShooter with Finger Ring, your choice of gauge inserts, extra batteries, adjustment wrench and instructions.
The LaserShooter comes in 4 gauge sizes (12, 20, 28 and 410) which are usable for all gauges (from 10 gauge to 410).
Both LaserShooters can be used indoors, in poor ambient conditions and outside, but the Green LaserShooter is considerably brighter.
For two shooters practicing competitive shooting together, one person can use the Red LaserShooter and one the Green LaserShooter so it is easier to distinguish who is closest to the target.
The Green LaserShooter (GLS) is brighter, longer because of the battery size, and more expensive than the Red LaserShooter (RLS).
The LaserShooter fits into the muzzle of a shotgun and centers itself perfectly to ensure continuous, accurate alignment from gun to target.
The LaserShooter comes standard with a Finger Ring which you touch to the trigger to complete the electric circuit that fires the laser.
For guns that have a non-conductive coating on them, including Benellis, Franchis, Blasers and some Brownings, the Finger Ring won’t work and you’ll need to buy the Trigger Switch. Click here for INSTRUCTIONS FOR INTSTALLING THE TRIGGER SWITCH.
If you can’t stand the thought of shooting without the BANG, we can accommodate you. Our BANG BOX adds a touch of realism to your practice by emitting a "bang" sound each time you practice shooting your LaserShooter.
Attach the Bang Box to your shirt pocket or place it on a nearby table, and you’ll hear the shot as soon as you fire the LaserShooter.
The LASERSHOOTER allows shooters to check the accuracy of their gun fit, improve gun-mount technique and practice gun swing.
An article by Bob Foege, "Perfect Gun Fit," tells you the reasons you want to use a LaserShooter and a LaserPro for fitting your gun to you -- perfectly!!
The LASERPRO (WHITE LIGHTNING MOVING TARGET PROJECTOR) allows you to practice shooting at an infinite variety of moving targets with your own shotgun or pistol.
Used together with the RED or GREEN LASERSHOOTER, the LASERPRO provides you with moving targets so you can perfect your shotgun mount and swing for all the shooting sports — skeet, trap, sporting clays, five stand, or live bird shooting Reproduce sporting clays chandelles, a simulpair, jumping teal and overhead driven birds, or any crossing target for the bird hunter. Practice is interesting and challenging and you can watch your skills evolve as you increase the target speed and direction.
For the FITASC shooter, where the swing and mount are paramount to success, there is no better method of training.
Used with the PISTOLERO PISTOLASER for pistol practice, the LASERPRO makes pistol practice shooting at a moving a reality. You can get the trigger time essential to becoming competent in situations that require trained muscle memory for quick and accurate results. Very popular with law enforcement, especially where practice shooting ranges only do target shooting at stationary targets.
By selection, the LaserPro projects either one or two moving laser targets. With two lasers, the lead laser is the point of aim, the trailing laser is the target. With a LaserShooter in the muzzle of your gun you can see if you are firing behind, in front of, above or below the target. You can also see if you are keeping the gun moving after firing. You can adjust the speed, the direction, the window, and the angle of the moving lasers. You can also release the laser targets with a voice command (“Pull”) or automatically in a continuous loop. The LaserPro has UlltraBrite 635 NM red lasers, which are at least twice as bright as the standard red laser popular in the industry. The LaserPro rechargeable batteries will give you about 20 hours of continuous use on a single charge.
The LaserPro sets up in seconds and requires no power, no projector, no computer. Simply attach the LaserPro to the included 6″ swivel tripod, place on a table about 8-10′ from your wall, turn it on for Doubles or Singles, adjust the 3 knobs to your desired speed, direction, and continuous cycle or voice command, and you’re ready to go! Practice 10-15 minutes a day for a week and you’ll notice your hits on the range or in the field improve greatly!
Projecting the "Double" selection allows the practicing shooter to see the lead and shoot at the forward target. As the target speed increases, the established lead increases.
LaserPro Features include:
The LaserPro White Lightning Moving Target Projector projects 1 or 2 laser lights on a wall for moving target practice.
The On/Off switch can be turned "On" to select Single or Double Targets.
The standard swivel tripod that comes with the LaserPro extends to 6" and is best placed on a waist-high table. If you want the LaserPro to be freestanding and easily moved from one location to another, we have an optional 50" Tripod.
The LaserPro throws a multitude of targets, but they are straight targets, not arched or angled the way real targets fly. If you attach the LaserPro to the Wobbler, you will get an infinite variety of real-life clay and bird targets.
Our most popular package, the Special Ultimate Practice Shooting System (SUPSS) includes the LaserShooter (1 Gauge) and the LaserPro in a small case.