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The Ultimate Practice Shooting System is all about becoming a better shot. The more time you spend in practice, the better shot you will be.
Dr. Michael Keyes, a specialist in mental training for the shooting sports, says: "In the end, there is no substitution for practice and repetition."
With the Ultimate Practice Shooting System you get Real Instant Feedback Training (RIFT). In other words, you can see exactly where you shoot as soon as you shoot -- INSTANT FEEDBACK! You can answer all these questions when you get real instant feedback:
All of these faults and more are indicated instantly at your shot. As you improve you will notice your faults disappearing. As your skill level increases you will naturally want to increase the challenge -- faster target speed and direction -- thereby working in an area of skill that you never thought possible.
Every athlete knows that repetitions are required for developing the muscle memory that leads to success in a sport. It's no different for the shooting sports. If you practice 10-15 minutes a day with our system, you will shoot about 200 shots; in 5 days you will shoot your own gun 1000 times. That's 1000 repetitions closer to becoming the instinctual great shot you are capable of becoming.
Projecting the "Double" selection on the LaserPro Moving Target Projector allows the practicing shooter to see the lead and shoot at the forward target. As the target speed increases, the established lead increases.
The Ultimate Practice Shooting System (UPSS) consists of four components:
Options include a Trigger Switch and a Bang Box for use with the LaserShooter, and a 50" Tripod for the LaserPro.
Packages offer the BEST DEALS!
Each part of the UPSS is described in detail below. Check out the video first to get an overview of how the system works.
EU Customers, please note: The LaserShooters and LaserPro are CE Certified. Instructions available in Polish.
Dr. Michael Keyes, a specialist in mental training for the shooting sports, says: "In the end, there is no substitution for practice and repetition."
Watch this video about the Ultimate Practice Shooting System
The WOBBLER is an oscillating device that moves your LaserPro targets back and forth and simulates more realistic, challenging and unpredictable presentations than you would get by using the LaserPro alone. The Wobbler cannot be used without the LaserPro. Powered by 1/50/60/115v standard 3-prong plug. Euro adapters available when requested.
Using the LaserPro with the Wobbler you can replicate curved and arched targets similar to trap, sporting clays, 5-stand or real game targets.
The SKEET AND TRAP BANNER completes the Ultimate Practice Shooting System and is great for practicing your skeet or trap shooting as though you were on an actual range.
Flexible, lightweight and easy to roll up, the banner is 9′ x 54″ and can be hung on any wall with the sturdy brass grommets along the top and sides of the Banner.
The LaserPro can easily be adjusted so that the laser light appears to fire from the high and low skeet houses or from the trap house.
Very popular with clubs and skeet and trap youth teams.